Sunday, August 17, 2008


it's when the sunlight dips and drips

down the backside of the mountain.

undulating rays, 

descending with precocious curiosity.

all drenched in sun. all of it

can see me.

naked, luminous.

glistening and empty,

like a sinking ship.

my empty, desperate utterances,

"dear, i love you".

swept up in twirling canes'

into the heavens, forever

and ever. amen

tie tied tight, sweat carving trails

down my face

worn and wrinkled,

eyelids blanket my eyes, with

the promise of eternal happiness.


rapid bliss, glutinous animals.

bad tv.

buzz, buzz.

the ship still sinking, mastless

and still naked,

forever and ever,


incuria adamo.


ihaveabrain said...

i like this one alot

Anonymous said...

i like this one too.